Thursday, September 8, 2011

The One, Lone Cat is Back in Town... Kind Of!

Woefully, I have departed with my dear Natalie. She will be spending the year in France, leaving me a neglected blog and one less friend to help me through my senior year.


Summer is over, and, to reflect my mood, the rain has set in.

I recently acquired a job looking after, and cleaning up after and around, dogs. Imagine, if you will, a cleaning lady. Now imagine this cleaning lady cleaning for 25 dogs. While trying to catch them, stop them from fighting, playing to violently, or humping, and scrubbing every inch of their play rooms. It's so tiring. But. I enjoy it.
My fear, however, was that I would begin replacing my friends that have left me this year, with dogs. I'm sad to report that this has already happened! I find myself talking about these dogs constantly. Oops. Who needs humans, right?

Alright, some music. The first three go together beautifully, and the last is completely random. Uhm. I like them all.

Bon Iver- Holocene (Get the GORGEOUS music video for free on iTunes!)

Feist- How Come You Never Go There (Current favorite, it's so catchy and wonderful and asjhdka.)

James Blake- Limit To Your Love (I had a serious love affair with James Blake's music this summer... I'm completely enamored with it. And I get to see him in October!)

King Fantastic- Why? Where? What? (So catchy. I can't get it out of my head.)

Okay, I think that's it for me today. I'm hoping the empty space and lone responsibility will force me to write more often.
Until later, Slandered English.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer and Jaspal Bhatti's Full Tension

No more classes, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks! Thank GOODNESS it's finally summer! Oh my god, I was beginning to slack so hard at the end of the year. And of course because we live in wonderful New England, snow days pushed back the end about a week. Anywhoooo it's summer and both Ameera are reppin' a lot of America right now: we're kind of not working.

You know who else isn't either?

1. Whitey Bulger

2. Charlie Sheen

3. Hosni Mubarak

4. The fine, young gentlemen in the video below.



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Slandered English Loves Ke$ha

Задняя дверь трещины Мы не нужен ключ Мы получаем в бесплатно Нет VIP аморальности Напиток, который Kool-Aid Следуйте за мной
Теперь ты один из нас Ты пойдешь со мной Это время, чтобы убить фары И закрыл DJ вниз (Это место собираетсяСегодня принимают более Никто не выходит Это место примерно на удар 
Удар Это место примерно на удар Удар Это место примерно на удар Удар Это место примерно на удар Удар Это место примерно в

Tеперь то, что (ЧтоМы взяв под свой контроль Мы получаем то, что мы хотим
Мы делаем то, что вы не Грязь и блеск Обложка этаж Мы довольно и больным Мы молоды и нам скучно (HaПришло время потеряете ваш разум И пусть сумасшедшие из

go insane go insane throw some glitter make it rainnn


About that blogging thing... 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Catz Are Back in Town.

Well... This is awkward. Running into you like this. I meant to call... But... Yeah I know, I said I would call. I'm sorry. I've been... Yeah, busy. Mm... We should catch up some time. Yes. I'll call you.

So, Slandered English. I cannot apologize enough for the unprecedented hiatus. I have been tending to the garden gnomes. But we intend to be back! And better than ever!

The plan: This April, a whole new Slandered English. Like, really. All new. There are surprises in store.

Until then, you must wait with bated breath.

Wishing the best to you all catz and kittenz,

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hipsters Driving Hipster Cars

So we're essentially past the climax of the economic meltdown  economic downturn. And, someone (sorry I totes forgot who) just published a report stating that it could have been avoided. Wooowwww! Some serious thinkers we have here. Remember Hummers? Yeah. I do. I rode in my friend's bright yellow Hummer to our 8th grade semi-formal and we blasted Hannah Montana the whole way. It was pretty sweet.

Anywhoo, let's talk about cars. Yes, it's true that personally I would be totally helpless if anything at all went wrong with the family car (which was recalled by Toyota JOY). Stranded on the side of the road, clueless. Change a tire? Yeah. Right. That's why I have AAA. 

But! I can watch car commercials and infer how they've changed with society. Not exactly skills that will help me if I get stranded in the middle of nowhere (like ummmm 95% of NH?), but in terms of hipster credibility, I think I deserve a few brownie points.

CASE # 1: The Ford Explorer meets Jónsi.
First of all, Ford isn't even a hipster brand. VW, maybe. Subaru, sure. But Ford?! I was suprised. And a Ford Explorer? Most hipsters are waaayyy to environmentally friendly for SUV shit like that. 

But I will say that this made me want to go drive to like, Wyoming, and pretend to be really, really Americana.

CASE # 2: Honda meets Vampire Weekend
They were getting really popular anyways. But, still. Just another example of how hipsters are taking over the world.

CASE #3: Okay, no case of hipsters taking over the world. Pretty sure there's another Honda commercial with something totally hipster, but this commercial definitely is the most adorable thing ever. Nooo, I didn't tear up a little. I didn't well up inside. Noo way.

The moral of this blog post?

Hipsters are slowly taking over the world even though most of them live in Brooklyn where monthly parking is probably more expensive than the Macbook Pro I'm typing on. Like they're going to go buy a Ford Explorer.
Try marketing to the suburbanites, Ford. Nice try.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bonus: Disney Princess Ke$ha

Oh Ke$h, you look pretty without all of that silly makeup.
I am confused about this one.


I am Santa

I am feeling rather kittenly today. I have gifts for you.
But before that. I would like to apologize for the lack of updates lately. I will be trying harder! And getting guests if I cannot.
Musical gifts.
I feel like Santa.

I quite love this cover of The XX's Crystalised by zee Gorillaz:

The ever-amazing Milkman has released a new CD! Get it here, it's magnificent.

New Sleigh Bells music video (Thank, Loreja!):

Currently really enjoying this song and video/everything Don Diablo does:

A nice remix of Around Us by Jónsi.

I thought I should share these beauties with you all.

Also, this sums up my life. I may be a tie-wearing cat.

That's it from me for the night. I hope that makes up for the fact that I have been absent as of late.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Blogging is More Fun Than Calculus

So guest blogging is proving to be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Like, already I am having doubts about the spelling of wracking. Apparently, as I have learned through thorough scanning of the Google search page for "nerve-wracking," it can be spelled as both "nerve-racking" and "nerve-wracking."
Now both just look wrong.
Please understand that I am in a frazzled mental state right now. Today, through the cruel medium of a midterm, I have discovered that I don’t understand calculus. I kept looking at these problems and thinking of things that were decidedly not derivative-related. Like the book I'm reading (Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere-I recommend it as a great studying alternative). And coffee (I spilled what was my fourth cup of the day on my midterm) and how I should probably reduce my caffeine intake. 
I was also thinking about music. This is totally understandable.
I had this remix stuck in my head. It is so cheery and wonderful that I kept thinking, “I am going to fail this test and it’s alright.” Which is not a good attitude.
Speaking of music, tomorrow is an exciting day for the small and pretentious world of folk-rock: new Iron and Wine and Cold War Kids albums! 
I at least will have something delightful to listen to while lamenting my calculus grade.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finals: A Way of Measuring Just How Badly I Want to Cry on a Daily Basis


Yep. Finals.
This is what they have done to my brain and/or nervous system.
But, no matter. I will be back to my normal self, as abnormal as that may be, on Saturday.

I would imagine our brave heroine, otherwise known as Natalie, 's brain is in a similarly frantic state.

All sanity will be postponed until further notice.

(Current mood:)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Musical Monday on a Tuesday

This Musical Monday has turned into a Music Tuesday. But it's a snow day and luckily I have so much to share!

First off, I want to write about the Hoodie Allen concert! Yeah, the one from like a month ago at The Middle East.  Does attending the concert put Ameera and I into another sphere of blogo-credibility? I would like to think so!

To start it off, Hoodie Allen is amazing live. The 3 hour (mhmmmm 3 hour) wait to see him perform was totally worth it. But the lineup was pretty good, and the fact that he let so many up and coming artists share the stage was definitely noticed and appreciated.

First off: Cam Meekins. I read about him before the concert on various music blogs, the tracks I heard were pretty good, but I was really impressed with his set. I would definitely keep an eye on him, he's only in high school but I think that he has a long way to go. Everyone was going absolutely craaaaazy during his set, which was pretty nice 2 hours into the show. Being from Boston, we gotta give him props. He's a part of this huge wave of music coming out of here (Sam Adams, anyone?) that he's riding high on. Totally keep an eye on him, I know I will be.

Just Like You- Cam Meekins by Big O's Podcasts

Soo I know this post about the concert is so late, but it coincides really nicely with a new drop by Hoodie today? He is so good. I'm really excited. His set left us wanting for more...he's hitting it big and he totally deserves it. I can only say that there was soooo much energy during his set and he's just as good, if not better, live. He performed the song he's dropping today, Dreams Live, for the first time and I loved it. I'm excited. You should be excited. This is exciting. Everyone should download his mixtape, Time For The Pep Rally, at HERE.

I feel like I haven't blogged in so long that I have so much to post that this is only PART ONE!


PS- Extra Cred for Cam Meekins for this. Newfound respect. 100%.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Future Primitive

I am now part of the social club. I have a feeling this blog post will be very similar to those of Ameera. Because.

Salut, I'm her twin.


Today, instead of doing the 3 papers and 5 art pieces (which don't quite deserve to be called art) for senior studio that are all due on Tuesday, I watched a couple of the worst/most ridiculous movies ever made (Practical Magic/the Witches of Eastwick). C'était un "comedy double-feature" filled with famous actresses acting horribly, practically nonexistent plot lines, and zero comedy. I would recommend both of them to everyone.

A few weddddddddddddddddddre
^That was an attempt to get a rice cake crumb out of my keyboard. It was suck right below the R key and the E key. The attempt was unsuccessful. And I gave up. Which is gross. :D We shall continue.
A few weeks ago, Bromeera forced me to get a account; and I've been stalking myself ever since. It's fascinating. And I learned that I like Radiohead a lot. A, um, lot.

But, I mean... Who doesn't.
Regardez Dubstep Baby!
I don't have an especially large amount of other useful things to say at the moment, so I think I shall leave. But not without attempting to be legitimately interesting first. Look at this great stuff. It's great. And like stuff:

Alors! Habituellement, je suis étrangement intéressant. If the kittens ever let me blog again, I will try to prove that.

L'amour, musique forte, et cire fondue--

Saturday, January 15, 2011

And Sometimes, Kittens.


I just got back from the movies. The Fighter was kittenly.
But really, it was very good. Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale were both fantastic.

I recently passed away. I blame Shannon. She made this gem for me and I died of laughter.
That is terribly embarrassing, but I thought it needed to be shared.
Speaking of Shannon, I have decided to give her full reign tomorrow. She will be ruling over our small blogdom, so get ready.

I think I will crawl away and die of embarrassment.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sometimes I Say Words and They Make No Sense.

I have become a very fearful driver, it seems! Only natural, I should imagine, but these snowy roads are getting to me. Je suis desole to the drivers behind me, I do not wish to die.

Speaking of dying, I am pretty sure Natalie has done so. You guys scared her off. All 3000 of you (omfg pressure).

^^ So I wrote before statement before she posted, which leads me to wonder. What happens if we both post on the same day? Does the world explode? I'm willing to test it.

I am so stressed. Finals. Kill me now.


Some musics (in the theme of Natalie's appetizer)(also thank the godlike Lorejahahahahajev for showing me this):


I'll post later, but this was an option for Kanye West's album cover and it's pretty wonderful.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh Snow, How I Love You.

When finals/midterms are over, I plan to bring a tub (or two) of Ben and Jerry's to Natalie's house. So we can bawl into it about life.

Sidenote: Bawl is a great word.

Oh, the joy of getting a severe weather alert. This means no school. No school means more sleep. More sleep means being able to catch up with classes. Being caught up with classes means passing the finals. And passing finals is good.

I have high expectations for my snow day. Now I will go ahead and let you know that I will most likely sleep all day, which is also welcome.


My cat is great. Look how fat he is. :D <33

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I've been such a slack since forever. I will blog soon about the Hoodie concert soon!
Between insane amounts of homework and sports and everything, I haven't found a single second to breath save blog.

But I'm living in France next year so it's okay!

.....wait, what???


Monday, January 3, 2011

That Awkward Moment When You Think Your Blogging Partner is Going to Blog

Welp, I've just sort of been waiting for Natalie to post about Hoodie Allen before proceeding, as, I assume, she has been waiting for me to post. But that is okay. I shall continue on as if we haven't skipped a million days.

I must start off by saying that I am sick. I feel like I have a 2 ton elephant sitting on my face. In other words, I CAN NOT BREATHE.
Halp me, anyone? No? I'm all alone? Okay.

I love it when I sit helplessly in the living room all day and everyone just ignores me. I'll try to talk to someone passing through with my feeble, sickly voice and raise my arm with as much energy as I can muster up and they walk right on by. Sometimes I try and beg tea off of a passerby, but most of the time I get ignored. Poor helpless me.

Alright. I can't guarantee that that is he end of my whining, but I shall try to be less whiney in the future.

Also, if you feel like understanding about 90% of my jokes, watch this right hurr:

I am going to go sleep forever and ever. (Jaykay, I have to get up at 6:20. Fml)


P.S. My dad is awesome. -ahem- Jesse -ahem-