Thursday, September 8, 2011

The One, Lone Cat is Back in Town... Kind Of!

Woefully, I have departed with my dear Natalie. She will be spending the year in France, leaving me a neglected blog and one less friend to help me through my senior year.


Summer is over, and, to reflect my mood, the rain has set in.

I recently acquired a job looking after, and cleaning up after and around, dogs. Imagine, if you will, a cleaning lady. Now imagine this cleaning lady cleaning for 25 dogs. While trying to catch them, stop them from fighting, playing to violently, or humping, and scrubbing every inch of their play rooms. It's so tiring. But. I enjoy it.
My fear, however, was that I would begin replacing my friends that have left me this year, with dogs. I'm sad to report that this has already happened! I find myself talking about these dogs constantly. Oops. Who needs humans, right?

Alright, some music. The first three go together beautifully, and the last is completely random. Uhm. I like them all.

Bon Iver- Holocene (Get the GORGEOUS music video for free on iTunes!)

Feist- How Come You Never Go There (Current favorite, it's so catchy and wonderful and asjhdka.)

James Blake- Limit To Your Love (I had a serious love affair with James Blake's music this summer... I'm completely enamored with it. And I get to see him in October!)

King Fantastic- Why? Where? What? (So catchy. I can't get it out of my head.)

Okay, I think that's it for me today. I'm hoping the empty space and lone responsibility will force me to write more often.
Until later, Slandered English.
