Sunday, December 26, 2010

Meet Me in Marrakesh?

It's snowing so much. This is NUTS. Actually, there's so many things that are absolutely nuts right now. The Koreans are basically at war. There were attacks on churches in the Middle East. Hyperinflation is ridiculous (I like talking about hyperinflation?). Congress is lame-duck.

And amid all of this, all I want to do is go to Marrakesh. The NYTimes just did a piece on how the city has changed and it's cultural and amazing and blahhhabblahahhhh fuck that's just where I want to be right now. So badly.

"Djemaa el Fna, the main square of the Medina, is a motley tapestry of life, where shoppers wade through a chaos of fortune tellers, snake charmers and pushy henna painters"

Okay, cool let's totes go pretend that we were in The Darjeeling Limited with Owen Wilson for a while, nbd.

"A good starter is a bowl of snails in saffron broth, from one of the snail stands on the eastern end of the square (10 dirhams, about $1.23 at 8.2 dirhams to the dollar)" 
Go to the article, broseph

Oh, okay. Snails in saffron broth for $1.32...why am I here?!?

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