Saturday, November 6, 2010

Punch Card from the 1990s

My family, we'll go to lengths to eat good food. I remember driving upwards of an hour and a half to go to a Mexican restaurant in NC. Whenever we go into Manhattan, all we do is eat (Max Brenner's in Union Square is like the Village's answer to Willy Wonka). We stop at Shoprite to stock up on whatever things we can't buy at our Shaws here (Cuban espresso, mojo, matzo, pizzelles, tricolores, bialys, etc.). My mom was a food writer. My dad eats a lot/is Italian. I've always eaten well.
We're getting Dim Sum tomorow. I'm absolutely positively pumped to say the least. We're going to China Pearl, of course. Been going there since as far back as I can remember. We would drive into Boston late late late Friday night, walk through the musty lobby of the Comm. Ave appartment, then get Dim Sum the next day. I remember going to dinner parties at various restaurants in Boston with a group of foodies, being bored out of my mind. I was 5 or 6 maybe? But there was always Dim Sum so I was okay.
There was also the Dim Sum place in Nashua. We used to go there with a group of people: Marilyn, Ben, and some others. I don't remember them much, but I know they were good friends of my parent's. Ben had a baby grand. I remember that. The congee soup was my favorite. It's so hard to find, though.
We stopped going to the Dim Sum place in Nashua soon thereafter. It closed. I hadn't had congee for 10 years maybe. We were living in NC, and my dad heard about this Asian market about an hour from our house that was supposed to be amazing. We made the trip, and it was wonderful. We bought bags of bao buns, jasmine tea, tofu, and fresh fish. We ate fresh steamed redbean bao buns and congee soup in the cafe.

I'm going to China Pearl tomorrow morning.
Good thing we still have our punch card from the 90s. Three more punches and we get $5 dollars off. I think the last time we used it was when America had a budget surplus.
Even when we moved to NC, my dad kept the punch card in his wallet. You don't throw things like that away.


UPDATE: My dad totes forgot to use the punch card when we were paying. Are you kidding me?

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